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Posts published in August 2021

Panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani dumps plastic containers in neighbours compound in which water accumulates

One of the main problems of living in panaji, is that some citizens are falsely accused for the mistakes or problems created by their enemies
Due to the google, tata masterminded government slavery racket in the indian internet sector, some high status fraudsters like panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani and her scammer sons nikhil, karan, get a monthly government salary for faking bank account, faking domain ownership , faking computer work and the scammer family has plenty of money due to the government fraud.
Hence though the sindhi scammers refuse to pay the market price and purchase domains including this one,they have plenty of money to feed the crows, pigeons and other birds of panaji, 3-4 times a day using plastic containers.
They are usually using plastic containers for feeding the birds and some these plastic containers are dumped in their neighbours house
During the monsoon the water accumulates in these plastic containers, and the neighbour is falsely accused of causing dengue
The government agencies refuse to admit that the plastic containers are dumped by their role model Panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani and she should remove her plastic containers from the neighbours house

Water supply not restored to panaji home despite submitting a complaint

The domain investor is not able to clean her mailing address in panaji, goa, since there is no water supply for more than eight months. Submitting a complaint to the water supply department in July 2021 has also not helped, ten days later there was no water supply in the house.
The domain investor will probably have to submit a complaint to the water supply department again to find out what the problem is

Panaji’s top sindhi scammer family of school dropout naina premchandani has cut off water supply to single woman engineer’s house, yet falsely claims to own her bank account

Goa government continues with its iwriter fraud, government slavery making fake claims about panaji sindhi scammer karan premchandani, student in mapusa college ,
Indicating the terrible business conditions in goa, specifically in panaji,Goa government continues with its iwriter fraud, government slavery making fake claims about panaji sindhi scammer karan premchandani, student in mapusa college who does no writing work at all, yet gets a monthly government salary for falsely claiming to own the iwriter account of a hardworking single woman engineer who is not allowed to get any paid work in goa at a reasonable rate
The xerox owning fraud father pran, of panaji sindhi scammer karan premchandani, student in mapusa college is aware that his scammer son is not doing any writing work at all, yet being an expert in BRIBING the corrupt greedy goa government officials, he is offering top officials huge BRIBES so that these SHAMELESS LIAR officials are making fake claims about the panaji sindhi scammer karan premchandani, student in mapusa college after stealing all the data of the hardworking single woman engineer.
The fact that the top goa officials are LIARS can be easily proved putting the house of goa’s top sindhi scammer family under surveillance since there is no sitting in front of the computer for many hours, doing computer work
The goa government and its officials also refuse to explain why goa’s top sindhi scammer family does not open their own paypal, bank account, why they are falsely claiming to own the bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer, who they criminally defame, and whose water supply they have cut off to force her to sell the house to them cheaply